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Defensive Handgun 2 - Tactics

This class is geared toward students who have taken Defensive Handgun 1 Skills or if you are Law Enforcement. You must have the ability to safely draw a handgun and engage targets safely while moving and the ability to clear malfunctions.  Focus is on accurate shooting while solving problems, moving to cover and target discrimination.


This class will test all skills in multiple scenario based live fire drills, decision- making and threat discrimination will be heavily emphasized.


We developed RC controlled armored robotic moving targets for this class specifically, they carry Rubber Dummy targets that can be dressed in clothing and realistic human face masks can be added, this enhances the student experience by allowing them to bring all the skills learned to bear and we are able to analyze performance by scoring the hits and reviewing video of the encounter.


Topics covered include, but not limited to:

  • Automated targets both hostile and friendly will be used in scenario-based training

  • Defending from seated positions in vehicles and behind desks as well as ground shooting will be covered

Defensive Handgun 2 - Tactics

  • Defensive Handgun 1 (or preapproval)

    • Handgun (students may bring more than one handgun):

      • If you carry a low capacity handgun like a Glock 43 or M&P Shield please have a least 6 magazines available. We have some loaner magazines available but please confirm this in advance

      • For high capacity handguns, 3 magazines are recommended

    • Ammunition:  300 rounds 

    • Belt: Stiff firm belt

    • Holster: Outside waistband holster.  May also be “in the waist band” type but bring a holder in case your holder does not meet our safety standards

    • Clothing should be climate related but bring a jacket to use in the drawing from concealment portion of the class

    • Eye and ear protection 

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